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Our York Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge 2024 took place on Sunday July 14th on the River Ouse.
Pictured above are the overall Challenge Trophy winners, The Growlers (from Ged Bell Butchers)
We've raised funds for a wide range of local charities chosen by teams, our nominated charity
York Samaritans, and our York Rotary Charity Fund
Full results are shown below
Interested in taking part in our 2025 event? Click here

On July 14th 2024, 36 teams battled it out on the River Ouse for the Challenge Trophy and other prestigious awards, including awards for the fastest Charity Team, Commercial Team, and of course the "Best Dressed Team" trophy.
Over the past 21 years the cumulative amount raised, for a whole host of worthwhile local charities, is

c. £1.5 million
Our 22nd year - and aiming to beat all records!!

Video of the 2024 Grand Final and "The Growlers" Triumph
Results of the 2024 event

The full list of a Team race times and positions is available here
Photos of the day
More photos now available see Kris Brown's website https://truenorthvisual.pixieset.com/yorkrotarydragonboatchallenge2024/
Photos on this page are courtesy of Kris Brown; and York Rotary
It's a very close finish in the Grand Final
Door 84's crew
The Growlers
Best Costume - The KYRA Crew
"Good to Talk" Team
Team Survive
Compilation Video of a typical Dragon Boat Challenge Day
Our Nominated Charities for 2024
York Samaritans

The Samaritans vision is that fewer people die by suicide and sadly, every 90 minutes someone in the UK or Ireland takes their own life. We believe that helping callers talk about their problems can save lives and our freephone number, 116 123, which is open 24 hours a day sees us answer a ‘call for help’ every 10 seconds.
York Samaritans was founded in 1967 and has offered services to the York community for over 55 years, we take calls every day of the year and in 2023 we spent 5,350 hours taking calls from both the York area and across the United Kingdom. We’re here for anyone who’s struggling to cope or who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure and all calls can be anonymous and confidential.
We currently have 123 listening volunteers and 18 support volunteers and apart from the listening service we also support our local prisons, Universities, Armed Forces community and many more. In addition, we

select, recruit and train new volunteers, participate in local events such as the York Rotary Dragonboat Challenge, York Pride and the Yorkshire Marathon;and raise awareness of our role and availability through our Branch Media Team.
York Branch prides itself on being full of welcoming volunteers, we’re always looking for new members to join us and it’s wonderful to be a part of an active and supportive branch.
We are an independent charity affiliated to Samaritans Central charity and all our activities are self-funded which means our Volunteers are responsible for raising funds to meet our annual running costs of around £40,000. Being the Charity of Choice for York Rotary this year will make an enormous difference to us and will allow us to continue supporting our local communities and callers from all over the country.

www.samaritans.org/branches/york Registered Charity no: 219432
York Rotary Charity Fund

York Rotary with around 65 Members is part of a worldwide organisation which aims to help those in society who are in need.
York Rotary Charity Fund is the charitable arm of York Rotary and raises funds to support a whole range of (mostly) small local charities which do invaluable work in the community.
The good that those charities can do, and the services they can provide, is so often limited by the funds they can access and that’s where we in York Rotary can help.
York Rotary’s carefully targeted funding, using money raised in the 2024 Dragon Boat Challenge, will support and extend the good that those charities and their dedicated staff and volunteers can achieve.

www.yorkrotary.co.uk Registered Charity no: 1025046
York Rotary raised funds to support the redevelopment and upgrading of one of the outdoor spaces at York Hospital to create a "Peace Garden" for the benefit of patients and staff