York Rotary
Golfing Page
Keith Hayton chips out of the bunker during the 2019 Bill Mann Trophy match
Golf for York Rotarians
Friendly and informal golf events are arranged through the year for Rotarians from all three clubs in York. These are invariably followed by evening social events for the golfers and their partners at the 19th hole.
Tournament and Trophy results
Upcoming Events
President's Cup 2021
On September 21st eight golfers of varying proficiencies gathered at Fulford Golf Club to compete in this prestigious competition and when the complexities of the new Worldwide Handicap system had been unravelled and team photograph taken, battle commenced at 1pm.
First 4 ball Messrs Saville & Jackson [suitably motorised] along with Impey and Todd were followed by Hayton Cranidge Adamson and Burton.
Balls went missing throughout the round due to Fulford’s infamous deep rough [which had been much deeper the weeks before] and some occasionally reported good shots being struck.
Whilst weather superbly sunny throughout, the rounds went on for in excess of 4 hours resulting in some rushing to get home, change and return with wives for the 7pm supper, where we were joined by The Fotheringhams, Helbys, Campbells and Heaths.
A pleasant supper partaken with much merriment being heard from all quarters [can 3 tables be quarters?] and this was followed by the prize giving.
Surprisingly one player managed to hit the 5th green [a feat not achieved in 2020] so David Impey declared the winner of ‘Nearest the pin hole’. The longest drive on the 7th went to Keith Hayton and it was these two who went head to head for the winners trophy – a magnificent cup presented by PP David Jesper some years prior – Keith accumulated some 28 points but was narrowly beaten by David with 29, So main prizes shared between them, but to ensure ‘wokedom’ ruled, all the other players were presented with a ‘going home ball’ so as not to be left out.
We were grateful to Pres David, for presenting the prizes and Janet along with the non golfers and partners for joining in a pleasant social evening

Shouksmith Trophy & Thompson Plate 2021
Competition for these 2 prestige, long standing, Club Golf trophies rejoined at Pike Hills Golf Club on August 19th under the most capable direction of Dennis Adamson and David Impey, with only 7 members in the fray. Tom Jackson and Dennis took the first tee- time fully motorised, followed by David and Stuart Cranidge, Mike Sullivan, Steve Burton and the late arrived Graham Todd, more of whom later, taking up the rear.
The weather, fair but cloudy, saw golf of all standards, with many duffed drives and missed putts, prevalent in the last 3-ball especially.
The golfers, wives and guests, re-gathered at 7pm for an excellent 2 course meal in the clubhouse and were particularly pleased to welcome Carolyn Sweeney and President David and Janet.
The prize giving was introduced by David I. who thanked every one for their attendance, great to see so many people ‘in the flesh’ once more, regretting though the reduction in golfers now available to take part in these events, where the Shouksmith event only a few years ago having attracted over 20 entrants, now down to 7 today.
Denis took over and explained that The Shouksmith, originally and ‘til 2 years ago, being a knock out competition played through the summer months, with the Thompson being a knock out for first round losers. This had had to be revised in 2020 due to the late in season easing of Covid restrictions, with the prizes going to the best and second best scorers on the day, not quiet in the spirit of the first round losers having a second chance at a prize. He advised that Steve had come up with an alterative, ‘clear as mud’, way of resolving this anomaly, with the best Stableford score of the day winning the Shouksmith, the winner of each of the 3 games then being eliminated and the best of ‘first round’ losers taking the Thompson Plate.
President David was invited to present the prizes, the winner, being announced by Denis, of Shouksmith Trophy David Impey with an impressive 35 points; he, Dennis and Mike Sullivan then eliminated as first round winners.
The Thompson Plate necessitated a ‘count back’ to last 9 holes resulting in Graham beating Steve for the Thompson Plate; leaving Steve perplexed as to why his selection method had not favoured him, especially as he had even marked Grahams card.
Congratulations to the winners.

President's Cup 2020
A Covid-friendly pod of six alleged golfers congregated at Fulford Golf Club on Monday 20th September in the last days of the summer’s sunshine.
Keith Hayton, David Impey and Mike Sullivan made up the first 3-ball with Dennis Adamson, Tom Jackson and Steve Burton the second. As ever the golf was its usual mixed bag of great drives, duffed seconds, long puts sunk and tiddlers missed – all of which having to be deeply discussed in great detail in the 19th afterwards.
The ‘nearest the pin’ prize on the 5th was unclaimed as no player managed to get the ball on the green in one; the ‘longest drive’ on 15th modestly won by Steve!
Mike Sullivan metamorphosed into David Jesper when the golf was over, the former unable to stay for the meal, the latter standing in for President Kevin to present prizes [strange to appreciate we have a ‘working’ President these days].
New chef Christian served up an excellent Steak pie & chips followed by generous apple crumble and custard which all seemed to well enjoy.
David J then invited to present prizes and it was recalled it was he, at David Sweeney’s behest, had presented the exceeding grand trophy in 2011. Apparently David found it stored away and whilst un-engraved had a plaque indicating his father had won the cup from the NE Railway Horticultural Society for his prize blooms in the 1940’s – an excellent example of up-cycling to its present usage.
It was good to report all 6 golfers had in excess of 20 Stableford points. Results:–
1st place Dennis Adamson 31 wins the Presidents Cup 2020.
2nd place David Impey 27
3rd place Steve Burton 26

Bill Mann Trophy 2019
The 2019 event took place at York Golf Club Strensall on Sunday 18th August
Photos of the event and evening dinner can be seen here
Winner: Steve Cluderay (38pts)
Runner Up: Mike Harrison
Longest Drive: Phil Thake
Nearest the Pin: Steve Cluderay